Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Asus ROG Gaming Notebooks G73Jh Design F-17 Stealth Fighter Nighthawk

Almost gaming notebook has the same design, is usually the difference is only seen in the style of notebook, additional decorations such as lights that are not too significant.

Asus Republic of Games (ROG) G73Jh trying to make an offer that is different from a gaming notebook. Notebook is taking the design that was inspired by the model stealth fighter aircraft the F-17 Nighthawk, so it looks unique. Seen from the angles that are formed from the notebook and there is hot air flow and noise components are collected in this part of the back. This notebook also has a slope of 5 degrees, for comfortable use with high intensity, and time consuming.

Specifications Notebook Asus ROG G73Jh Latest Gaming Notebook 2010:

- Intel Core i7
- 1TB hard disk drives
- ATI Radeon HD5870 mobile graphics
- Support EAX 4.0 and
- CMSS 3D surround sound
- LCD Screen 17.3-inches - 1920 x 1080 resolution


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